conducting and evaluating of cambridge english training activities

conducting and evaluating of cambridge english training activities

his category details what should be seen in training activities conducted at each of the stages. It is broken down into three sub-categories: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating

  • Planning describes how training activities should be visible to trainees and evaluators in clearly articulated aims, activity structures and development paths. 
  • Conducting describes a number of indicators of good practice in training activities at the different stages.
  • Evaluating looks at whether the training is having, or has had, any impact on the trainees. 
Four college students in a classroom surfing the net on digital tablet.

Activities are not restricted to workshops, sessions and courses. They could include demonstrations, conferences, assisted planning, sharing sessions and teacher development workshops.

Plans according to materials provided for training activities.

Articulates aims clearly.

Achieves aims of activities in the time allotted (with occasional over-running or under-running).

Appropriately adapts materials provided for training activities. Produces own activities for specific purposes.

Clearly articulates training aims in relation to trainee needs.Achieves aims of activities in the time allotted.Selects content relevant to the stated aims.Includes different input types and ways of organising learning activities.Demonstrates awareness of sequencing to achieve main aims.Anticipates problems related to content and process and adapts materials appropriately.
