Study in English Learn,speak,write Sweden English

Study in English Learn,speak,write Sweden English

Just because you can get by solely on English in Sweden, does that mean you should? While learning Swedish may not be as ‘useful’ to many students as a widely-spoken language like Spanish or French, or even as necessary for daily life as Japanese or Italian, that doesn’t mean international students in Sweden shouldn’t make an effort.

If you’re seeking to understand your host country on more than just a superficial level, learning some Swedish will definitely help. OK, you can fall back on watching English-language TV, but what can you learn by watching locally-made dramas? You may find Swedish people to be stereotypically reserved until you practice your Swedish on them.

What’s more, if you have an interest in certain subject areas–such as Northern European/Germanic languages, history and art history, literature or translation studies, or international business–then studying Swedish may end up being pretty useful. One of the joys of studying abroad is learning new and different things from what’s possible at home, so make the most of the opportunity and try something new.

Swedish universities often offer introductory Swedish courses to international students, either as regular classes or as evening courses.

Studying in Sweden in English is not just possible, but very easy. Students wanting to study in Europe but without the language skills or confidence to dive into studying in a second language should seriously consider Sweden. There are opportunities here to study at some of the best universities in the world and extend yourself while enjoying the benefits of studying in your own language in a foreign setting.