IELTS General Training Tests

IELTS General Training Tests

Practise a full IELTS General Training test online. Complete the computer-based test now or at your own time to receive an IELTS Progress Check Report. Every IELTS Progress Check Report comes with an official feedback report, including an overall indicative band score and an indicative band score for each section of the test (Reading, Listening, Writing & Speaking). This will help you improve your preparation for your real test.

Each IELTS General Training test listed below represents a single unique General Training test. Purchasing two or more of the same test (e.g. IELTS General Training Practice Test 1) means you will get to practise the same test twice. If you want to practise two different tests, then choose two different tests (e.g. IELTS General Training Practice Test 1 & Practice Test 2).

You will receive 90 days of access for each IELTS practice test you purchase.


The Listening component consists of 40 questions. You will listen to four recorded texts, such as monologues and conversations, by a range of native-speakers and write your answers to a series of questions. These include questions that test your ability to understand main ideas and detailed factual information, ability to understand the opinions and attitudes of speakers, ability to understand the purpose of an utterance and the ability to follow the development of ideas. A variety of voices and native-speaker accents are used and each part is heard only once.

Part 1
A conversation between two people set in an everyday social context.

Part 2
A monologue set in an everyday social context, e.g. a speech about local facilities.

Part 3
A conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context, e.g. a university tutor and a student discussing an assignment.

Part 4
A monologue on an academic subject, e.g. a university lecture.