How to write numbers in Listening test IELTS

How to write numbers in Listening test IELTS

In all part of the IELTS test, you will encounter numbers in different forms. There are different strategies to use when dealing with numbers. Today we will break down the variety of numbers you might see in each part of your IELTS test and how to structure them.

Numbers in the Listening test

In IELTS Listening, you are tested on your ability to listen for and write the numbers you hear in the recordings. You are most likely to encounter numbers in the first part of the Listening test, but they can appear in any of the 40 questions.  

You might hear numbers in the following forms 

  • Age 
  • Currency 
  • Measurement 
  • Dates 
  • Times 
  • Telephone numbers 
  • Credit card numbers
Numbers in the Writing test

You might need to use numbers when presenting data in Academic Writing Task 1. You can either write the number in word form or as presented in the visual diagram. For example: 

  • 10,000 OR ten thousand 
  • 25% OR twenty-five percent 
  • 75% OR ¾ 

Along with writing exact numbers, it is also beneficial to write approximations when the exact numbers are not presented. For example: 

  • Just above 65% 
  • Under 70%  
  • Over half  
  • Almost 25% 

Numbers can be presented in tens, hundreds, thousands, millions and billions. It is important to note which number is being referred to in the Y-axis of the diagram.  

When referring to a general number, you can write ‘millions’, however, when it’s a specific number, you have to write ‘million’. For example: 

  • Millions of dollars were spent on transportation. 
  • Australia spent 20 million dollars.