TEFL and TESOL English language studied using translating English

TEFL and TESOL English language studied using translating English

Whether you’re looking to further your own education, or keen to educate and inspire others as a teacher, we have degrees and courses to suit your aspirations.

We believe a successful teacher is one who understands the innovations, ethics, social and global issues that influence and shape students today. If you want a rewarding teaching career in an early childhood setting, primary or secondary school, a Swinburne teaching degree will give you the hands-on skills you need to succeed. You’ll explore classroom teaching, discover innovative approaches to learning, and gain practical experience to cement your knowledge. TEFL and TESOL English language studied using translating English

We also offer a range of training programs to help you reach your own education goals. Achieve your VCE or VCAL, prepare for higher education or improve your English language skills. Options are available for people of different ages and education levels, from both English and non-English speaking backgrounds .

Four college students in a classroom surfing the net on digital tablet.

Well-developed English language skills are vital to study and work in Australia. That’s why we offer a range of English language courses to help you reach your education and career goals.

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is an Australian Government initiative that provides eligible migrants and refugees with up to 510 hours of subsidised or free English language training within the first five years of arrival. When you study this program at Swinburne, you will develop your skills in English speaking, listening, reading and writing and learn more about Australian culture and customs. These skills may give you access to a wider range of employment, training and community participation opportunities.

In addition to AMEP, we offer English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS), which prepares students for a career or for direct entry to Swinburne University of Technology. Elementary to advanced courses are available and range in duration from five to 50 weeks depending on competency.

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

