Cambridge English Teaching, learning and assessment
- Have a basic understanding of some key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
- Have started to demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan basic systems and skills lessons according to a simple given template, with basic awareness of learners’ needs and difficulties and sometimes demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities.
- Have started to see some clear links between their planning and teaching choices and subsequent student learning.
- Have started to demonstrate the ability to teach simple systems and skills lessons using a basic repertoire of teaching techniques and with reasonable classroom management.
- Are aware of many key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
- Demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan reasonably detailed systems and skills lessons according to a given template, with some awareness of learners’ needs and difficulties, often demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities, and deliver these with some adaptation.
- Are able to respond to some unforeseen classroom events.
- Demonstrate the ability to teach systems and skills lessons using a wider repertoire of teaching techniques and with reasonably effective classroom management, as well as the ability to choose appropriate materials, including web-based materials, with some improvisation.

- Have a good understanding of many key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
- Demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan detailed systems, skills and integrated lessons according to their own template, with good awareness of learners’ needs and difficulties, regularly demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities, and deliver these with conscious adaptation.
- Are able to respond appropriately to most unforeseen classroom events, and can see clear links between their planning and teaching choices and subsequent student learning.
- Demonstrate the ability to teach systems, skills and integrated lessons effectively using a wide range of teaching techniques and with effective classroom management.
- Have a sophisticated understanding of key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
- Demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan detailed and sophisticated systems, skills and integrated lessons (often unconsciously), with a clear rationale and detailed understanding of learners’ needs and difficulties, consistently demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities, and deliver these with principled adaptation.
- Are able to respond appropriately, confidently and automatically to almost all unforeseen classroom events and have developed a sophisticated understanding of the link between their planning and teaching choices and subsequent student learning.
- Demonstrate the ability to teach consistently effective systems, skills and integrated lessons using a sophisticated range of teaching techniques and with consistently effective classroom management.