Understand the IELTS and TOEFL test scores

Understand the IELTS and TOEFL test scores

On the IELTS Test Report Form, you’ll find the overall band score and the results your students achieved in each part of the test.

Individual test scores

Scores for each of the four skills are equally weighted. The overall band scores are calculated by taking the mean result for each part of the test. 

The overall band score 

Overall band scores are calculated to the nearest whole or half band. If the average score across the four skills – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking – ends in .25, it is rounded up to the next half band.

You have a full operational command of the language. Your use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and you show complete understanding.

You have a fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. You may misunderstand some things in unfamiliar situations. You handle complex detailed argumentation well.

You have an operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally you handle complex language well and understand detailed reasoning.

Generally you have an effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings. You can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

