The Basics of Teaching ielts English
Teaching English as a Foreign Language is teaching English to learners who do not speak English as a first language. They might be learning English as a second language or a third or a fourth, and they might be living in their home country learning English at school or at a language school, or they might be in an English-speaking country. EFL learners can be any age, from kindergarten to adults; they can be schoolchildren, university students, businessmen and –women, workers or tourists. View More
If you have a proclivity to teaching especially young children and enjoy being in their company then you must enroll in Certificate in TEFL Young Learners offered by Asian College of Teachers. There has been a steady growth of young learners learning English of late and this has led to widespread teaching of English to young learners in countries where English is a second or a foreign language. The certificate program covers topics like language acquisition, how children learn language, teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, lesson planning, material designing and handling mixed group, classroom management, importance of stories, games and songs, correction techniques etc. This program equips the teaching aspirants with the skills and knowledge which makes teaching young learners a rewarding experience. Moreover, our expert tutors will closely follow your progress and will chip in with their valuable inputs throughout the program.

International Post Graduate Diploma in TESOL/TEFL for Teachers and Trainers is a compact and comprehensive course covering a diverse range of techniques and methodologies related to TEFL, Train the Trainer, Education Management and Special Education. The online 400 hours program touches upon the role and functions of English in the arena of EFL/ESL teaching, global business domain and imparts training to prepare you in language skills and sound instructional techniques appropriate for business environment. In addition, you can develop skills and expertise in the arena of education management and gain knowledge in special education More