How to Test of English Competence Advanced ECS Learners

How to Test of English Competence Advanced ECS Learners

It is evident that English has become an essential part of everyone’s life. In higher education, especially graduate studies, English inevitably plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of the students. In order to screen applicants for graduate studies, it is important to devise a standardized test which is reliable, valid, and practical. Conventionally, most English proficiency tests in Thailand will have three subtests in common. These subtests include: Error identification, Multiple-choice cloze, and Reading comprehension. How to Test of English Competence Advanced ECS Learners

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The criterion-related validity was established by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between the CB TEC and the TOEFL ITP scores. The results revealed that the overall correlation with TOEFL CB TEC Form A and CB TEC Form B were able to predict general proficiency of the test taker to a certain extent, based on TOEFL ITP as a criterion measure.