How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses
A user can scan through a text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content, because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen. As a result, accessing large collections of spoken con-tent is much more difficult and time-consuming than doing so for the text content. It would therefore be helpful to develop machines that understand spoken content. In this paper, we propose two new tasks for machine comprehension of spoken content. The first is a listening comprehension test for IELTS , a challenging academic English examination for English learners who are not the native English speakers. How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses

with the popularity of shared videos, social networks, on-line courses, and the like, the quantity of multimedia or spoken content is growing much faster than what human being scan view or listen to. A user can scan through text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen.