english coaching centre chennai – ECS IELTS

english coaching centre chennai – ECS IELTS

The General Training Listening test will assess your ability to understand main ideas, detailed information, opinions, purpose and attitudes of the speakers, as well as your ability to follow the development of ideas.

You will listen to 4 recordings in your General Training Listening test and need to answer 40 questions based on these recordings. The first two recordings deal with situations you might experience in an everyday context. The last two recordings, however, focus on situations that might occur in an education or training context.

In recordings 1 and 3 you will hear a conversation between two or more speakers, however in recordings 2 and 4 will hear a monologue. You will need to answer questions connected to the recordings ranging from multiple choice to matching information, headings, features and sentence endings, as well as sentence, summary, note, table, diagram or flow-chart completion. english coaching centre chennai

IELTS Modules

Listening:  (Same for Academic and General Training)

You will listen to four recordings of native English speakers and then write your answers to a series of questions.

  • Paper-Based 30 Minutes (Audio) plus 10 Minutes Transfer time.
  • The Listening section consists of 40 questions and 4 parts.
  • Part 1: a conversation between two people set in an everyday social context.
  • Part 2: a monologue set in an everyday social context.
  • Part 3: a conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context
  • Part 4: a monologue on an academic subject, e.g. a university lecture. study abroad consultants in chennai

Note: Each section is heard only once.

ECS IELTS Coaching Center in Chennai

pte coaching in chennai – ECS IELTS

pte coaching in chennai – ECS IELTS

The General Training Reading test consists of three sections and 40 questions. It focuses on situations you might face in everyday life, work-related issues such as applying for a job, and topics of general interest. The extracts in each section are taken from books, magazines, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks and guidelines.

Section 1 looks at your social survival skills. The questions relate back to short texts that are relevant to everyday life in an English-speaking country. These might be notices, advertisements or timetables.

Section 2 takes a closer look at your workplace survival skills. The texts here are taken from job descriptions, contracts, staff development and training manuals, as well as pay and workplace condition documents. pte coaching in chennai

Section 3 contains a long and more complex text on a topic of general interest. Texts could be taken from newspapers, magazine or books.

The reading part of the IELTS test looks at how well you can understand main ideas, details, inferences and implied meaning. It also assesses your ability to follow the development of an argument, recognise a writer’s opinion, attitudes and purpose.

Paper-based IELTS

This test is like a traditional exam with the question papers and answer sheets for the Reading, Listening, and Writing tests in an official IELTS test centre. Test takers will write their answers in either pen or pencils. The Speaking test is carried out face-to-face with a qualified IELTS examiner. 

Computer-delivered IELTS english coaching centre chennai

This test can be taken in front of a computer and requires test takers to sit for the Reading, Listening, and Writing tests with the questions presented on the screen in an official IELTS test centre. The Speaking test is not on the computer and is carried out face-to-face with a qualified IELTS examiner. 

ECS IELTS Coaching Center in Chennai

Identifying writer’s views/claims ielts reading – ECS IELTS

Identifying writer’s views/claims ielts reading – ECS IELTS

Test takers will be given a number of statements and asked: ‘Do the following statements agree with the views/claims of the writer?’ They are required to write ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not given’ in the boxes on their answer sheet.

It is important to understand the difference between ‘no’ and ‘not given’. ‘No’ means that the views or claims of the writer explicitly disagree with the statement, i.e. the writer somewhere expresses the view or makes a claim which is opposite to the one given in the question; ‘not given’ means that the view or claim is neither confirmed nor contradicted. ielts coaching centre in chennai

Students need to understand that any knowledge they bring with them from outside the passage should not play a part when deciding on their answers.

Matching information

Task type and format: Test takers are required to locate specific information within the lettered paragraphs/sections of a text, and to write the letters of the correct paragraphs/sections in the boxes on their answer sheet.

They may be asked to find: specific details, an example, a reason, a description, a comparison, a summary, an explanation. They will not necessarily need to find information in every paragraph/section of the text, but there may be more than one piece of information that test takers need to locate in a given paragraph/section. When this is the case, they will be told that they can use any letter more than once. ielts training center in chennai

This type of task can be used with any text as it tests a wide range of reading skills, from locating detail to recognising a summary or definition.

Task focus: Matching information assesses the test takers’ ability to scan for specific information. Unlike task type 5, Matching headings, it is concerned with specific information rather than with the main idea.

The IELTS Academic test is suitable for those wanting to study in an English-speaking environment or university (higher education). You can also take IELTS Academic for professional registration purposes.

Students can request to send their IELTS results to up to five organisations free of charge.  There is a fee for sending results to additional organisations. You can request your centre to send your results as long as your IELTS scores are valid.

ECS IELTS Coaching Center in Chennai

IELTS Academic Reading in detail – ECS IELTS

IELTS Academic Reading in detail – ECS IELTS

Multiple choice

Task type and format: Test takers are required to choose the best answer from four alternatives (A, B, C or D), or the best two answers from five alternatives (A, B, C, D or E), or the best three answers from seven alternatives (A, B, C, D, E, F or G). Test takers write the letter of the answer they have chosen on the answer sheet. The questions may involve completing a sentence, where they are given the first part of a sentence and then choose the best way to complete it from the options, or could involve complete questions; with the test takers choosing the option which best answers them.

The questions are in the same order as the information in the text: that is, the answer to the first question in this group will be located in the text before the answer to the second question, and so on. This task type may be used with any type of text. ielts training coimbatore

Task focus: Multiple choice tests a wide range of reading skills, including detailed understanding of specific points or an overall understanding of the main points of the text.

Identifying information

Task type and format: Test takers will be given a number of statements and asked: ‘Do the following statements agree with the information in the text?’ They are then required to write ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘not given’ in the boxes on their answer sheets.

It is important to understand the difference between ‘false’ and ‘not given’. ‘False’ means that the passage states the opposite of the statement in question; ‘not given’ means that the statement is neither confirmed nor contradicted by the information in the passage.

Students need to understand that any knowledge they bring with them from outside the passage should not play a part when deciding on their answers.

Task focus: Identifying information assesses the test takers’ ability to recognise particular points of information conveyed in the text. It can thus be used with more factual texts. ielts coaching in porur

Remember that some task types in the IELTS Reading test have answers that appear in order, such as True / False / Not Given or Multiple Choice.  This means that you don’t have to begin with the first question and do them in order.  Look at which question has something that is easily identifiable (e.g. a name of a person or place) and start with that question.  Then, the answer for the other questions will most likely appear above and below this point. 

ECS IELTS Coaching Center in Chennai

IELTS Academic Reading description – ECS IELTS

IELTS Academic Reading description – ECS IELTS

The Reading section consists of 40 questions, designed to test a wide range of reading skills. These include reading for gist, reading for main ideas, reading for detail, skimming, understanding logical argument and recognising writers’ opinions, attitudes and purpose.

IELTS Academic test – this includes three long texts which range from the descriptive and factual to the discursive and analytical. These are taken from books, journals, magazines and newspapers.  They have been selected for a non-specialist audience but are appropriate for people entering university courses or seeking professional registration.

Reading: (Different for Academic and General Training)

  • Total time: 60 Minutes (Academic & General)
  • It includes three sections, 40 items
  • You need to read the text passages and answer questions in multiple-choice, sentence completion, summary writing, matching information, short-answers
  • Each passage consists of 13-14 questions
  • Reading passages and questions are different in Academic and General Training IELTS oet coaching centre in pondicherry

a) Reading-IELTS Academic

  • The syllabus includes three long texts
  • Subject matter range from the descriptive and factual to the discursive and analytical.
  • The texts are authentic and are taken from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers.
  • These are selected for a non-specialist audience

b) Reading- IELTS General Training

  • Requires candidates to read extracts from books, magazines, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks, and guidelines.
  • These are materials one is likely to encounter on a daily basis in an English speaking environment.

Task type and format: Test takers are required to choose the best answer from four alternatives (A, B, C or D), or the best two answers from five alternatives (A, B, C, D or E), or the best three answers from seven alternatives (A, B, C, D, E, F or G). Test takers write the letter of the answer they have chosen on the answer sheet. The questions may involve completing a sentence, where they are given the first part of a sentence and then choose the best way to complete it from the options, or could involve complete questions; with the test takers choosing the option which best answers them. ielts coaching in adyar

The questions are in the same order as the information in the text: that is, the answer to the first question in this group will be located in the text before the answer to the second question, and so on. This task type may be used with any type of text.

Task focus: Multiple choice tests a wide range of reading skills, including detailed understanding of specific points or an overall understanding of the main points of the text.

ECS IELTS Coaching Center in Chennai