conducting and evaluating of cambridge english training activities

conducting and evaluating of cambridge english training activities

his category details what should be seen in training activities conducted at each of the stages. It is broken down into three sub-categories: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating

  • Planning describes how training activities should be visible to trainees and evaluators in clearly articulated aims, activity structures and development paths. 
  • Conducting describes a number of indicators of good practice in training activities at the different stages.
  • Evaluating looks at whether the training is having, or has had, any impact on the trainees. 
Four college students in a classroom surfing the net on digital tablet.

Activities are not restricted to workshops, sessions and courses. They could include demonstrations, conferences, assisted planning, sharing sessions and teacher development workshops.

Plans according to materials provided for training activities.

Articulates aims clearly.

Achieves aims of activities in the time allotted (with occasional over-running or under-running).

Appropriately adapts materials provided for training activities. Produces own activities for specific purposes.

Clearly articulates training aims in relation to trainee needs.Achieves aims of activities in the time allotted.Selects content relevant to the stated aims.Includes different input types and ways of organising learning activities.Demonstrates awareness of sequencing to achieve main aims.Anticipates problems related to content and process and adapts materials appropriately.


How can i take IELTS with the British Council

How can i take IELTS with the British Council

Pre-test support

  • We ensure that test takers are well informed of the documents needed for online registration with British Council.
  • Clear and comprehensive test information available on British Council websites.
  • We provide our test takers with clear and comprehensive information on pre-test procedures and test-day arrangements.

In-test arrangements

  • The sound system really matters for any Listening test. British Council’s quality system enables you to focus on what’s important during the test.
  • Our professional yet friendly Speaking test examiners make you feel at ease so you can perform to the best of your ability during this component of the test.
  • We do the best we could to assign the most suitable Speaking test date and time for you.

Post-test services

We offer timely delivery of your printed Test Report Forms. We offer a user-friendly online enquiry service for your test result. At British Council, we take your post-test enquiries seriously. We handle all of your enquiries professionally, from the delivery of the Test Report Form to Enquiry on Results

IELTS English test on Paper or Computer

IELTS English test on Paper or Computer

IELTS on Paper

f you select this option, you will answer the Listening, Reading and Writing sections on a paper. The Speaking test is carried out face-to-face with a trained IELTS Examiner.
If you have a special requirement, please register for IELTS on paper.

IELTS on Computer

If you select this option, you will take the Listening, Reading and Writing sections on a computer. The Speaking test will remain face to face with a certified IELTS Examiner, as we believe it is the most effective way of assessing your speaking skills.

Concentrated young people reading information from laptop. Cheerful students working with laptop at library. Education concept

All four sections of computer-delivered IELTS are completed on the same day. The Listening, Reading and Writing sections of paper-based IELTS are completed on the same day. The order in which these tests are taken may vary. There are no breaks between these three tests. The Speaking test, however, can be completed up to a week before or after the other tests.

We are committed to making sure that IELTS is available to everyone. If you have a special requirement, please register for IELTS on paper, as this format is available worldwide, and caters to all test takers regardless of need. If you select IELTS on computer, you will use a different registration system, and we will not be able to complete registration process.

  • Faster results – your IELTS results will be available 5-7 days after the test
  • More test sessions – test sessions available throughout the week 
  • More Speaking test timeslots – speaking timeslots available on the same day
  • Last-minute test registration – registration will only close 4 days before the test date, subject to seats availability 
  • Marking – Reading and Listening sections will be auto-marked by computers while the Speaking test will remain to be graded by a trained IELTS examiner 
  • Listening test – headphones will be provided.

The Best Strategy To Score Higher in OET Writing

The Best Strategy To Score Higher in OET Writing

The OET writing sub-test may seem like a difficult task. But, it is really not. For those who can write well with proper grammar, it can be simple.

But, do you know sometimes, even the best of the candidates with good command over English fail to perform well in the OET writing sub-test? Yes, it is the truth. The reason is they do not focus more on guidelines.The Best Strategy To Score Higher in OET Writing

You are required to write not more than 180-200 words. But, to be very honest, it is not necessary that you should strictly adhered to it. You can write even more than the given word-length as well. But, never decrease the word count.

In the pursuit of achieving the required word-length, most of the candidates try to focus on explaining things more elaborately.

  • She is allergic to peanuts.
  • The patient has said that she is extremely allergic to peanuts.

The first sentence is short and explanatory and it is acceptable. But, the second sentence that also conveys the same thing is long and over explanatory. This has been written solely with the purpose to increase the word count. That is not recommended.

  • Infection spread. So, leg was amputated.
  • Infection was growing very rapidly that we had no chance but to amputate the leg of the patient.

Again, the first sentence is good but the second sentence is lengthy and it is written only to increase the word length of the letter.

Remember, you are expected to write precisely. You will have to stick to what you are asked to. You can’t talk about anything rather than what is needed. Try to explain the medical condition of the patient in a few words. Use the given notes in the proper way. You can rewrite or revamp a few of the sentences. But, do not use sentences as they are given.

how to pass the TOEFL Writing test ideas

how to pass the TOEFL Writing test ideas

TOEFL stands for the Test of English as a Foreign Language.

And it is a standardized test use to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers who wish to enroll in English-speaking universities.

TOEFL is accepted by many English-speaking academic and professional institutions.It is one of the two major English-language tests in the world, the other being the IELTS.

TOEFL test measures your ability to use and understand English at the highest level.It evaluates how well you can combine your reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills to perform academic tasks.

The TOEFL test is taken by more than 35 million people from all over the world.The average English skill level varies from student to to pass the TOEFL Writing test ideas

There are:

  • Students planning to study at a higher education institution
  • English language learning program admissions and exit
  • Scholarship and certification candidates
  • English language learners who want to track their progress
  • Students and workers applying for visas

If you are planning to take toefl, then you must know that the test is held in two formats.

1. TOEFL iBT and
The TOEFL Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) is the online version of the TOEFL test and It is the more preferred medium of TOEFL due to its ease of convenience and uses fewer resources.

The TOEFL Paper Based Test (TOEFL PBT) is the more orthodox method, wherein paper and pen are extensively used for the purpose of the exam.

Not a big hit among students, the paper-based model of the TOEFL exam is conducted in areas that do not have access to the Internet.

You must know that in this format of the TOEFL exam, the TOEFL Speaking Test is not conducted due to the limited availability of resources.

Practice for each section of the test with free sets of TOEFL iBT® questions from previous tests. You can become familiar with the types of questions and content on the actual test and understand how the TOEFL iBT test is structured and formatted. Our TOEFL Practice Test is not an exact recreation of the TOEFL Test as it will be administered on test day, but it does offer some extensive training with the types of questions and materials you will encounter on the test, be it the PBT or iBT. We’ve broken it up into five overall sections consisting of three individual Listening portions (53 questions altogether), one Reading section (28 questions) and one Structure section (30 questions). This Practice TOEFL will help you feel more confident with the types of questions that you will encounter; but we also want to encourage you to take as many TOEFL Practice Test opportunities as you can and even consider enrolling in a test preparation course if you can afford to do so. You want to be comfortable on test day, not just with the questions and types of materials, but also the testing environment itself. Additionally, you may want to follow this list of DOs and DON’Ts when it comes to preparing.

TEFL and TESOL English language studied using translating English

TEFL and TESOL English language studied using translating English

Whether you’re looking to further your own education, or keen to educate and inspire others as a teacher, we have degrees and courses to suit your aspirations.

We believe a successful teacher is one who understands the innovations, ethics, social and global issues that influence and shape students today. If you want a rewarding teaching career in an early childhood setting, primary or secondary school, a Swinburne teaching degree will give you the hands-on skills you need to succeed. You’ll explore classroom teaching, discover innovative approaches to learning, and gain practical experience to cement your knowledge. TEFL and TESOL English language studied using translating English

We also offer a range of training programs to help you reach your own education goals. Achieve your VCE or VCAL, prepare for higher education or improve your English language skills. Options are available for people of different ages and education levels, from both English and non-English speaking backgrounds .

Four college students in a classroom surfing the net on digital tablet.

Well-developed English language skills are vital to study and work in Australia. That’s why we offer a range of English language courses to help you reach your education and career goals.

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is an Australian Government initiative that provides eligible migrants and refugees with up to 510 hours of subsidised or free English language training within the first five years of arrival. When you study this program at Swinburne, you will develop your skills in English speaking, listening, reading and writing and learn more about Australian culture and customs. These skills may give you access to a wider range of employment, training and community participation opportunities.

In addition to AMEP, we offer English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS), which prepares students for a career or for direct entry to Swinburne University of Technology. Elementary to advanced courses are available and range in duration from five to 50 weeks depending on competency.

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

A Translating of English to other languages

A Translating of English to other languages

This paper presents a rule based machine translation system which is capable of translating sentences from Sinhala to English and vice versa. This is the first Sinhala to English and English to Sinhala machine translation system which comes with features such as a Sinhalese font translator, which is capable of interpreting Sinhalese words written in English characters (Singlish) to Sinhala characters, and an English grammar and spell checker. An entered sentence to the system will be tokenized and translated according to a rule. When translating Sinhala sentences to English the user input should be in Singlish and when translating English sentences to Sinhala input should be in English. The main objective of this translator is to enable a smooth flow translation of words, sentences and paragraphs to locals as well as foreigners and thereby eliminate the language barrier. A Translating of English to other languages

A considerable amount of rules, patterns and words of both languages were used to develop this system. With 87% accuracy this pilot machine translation system translated 500 grammatically well-structured Sinhala sentences to English and 150 grammatically well-structured English sentences to Sinhala. The system is capable of translating approximately 70 sentences in one minute.

Concentrated young people reading information from laptop. Cheerful students working with laptop at library. Education concept

English is a West German language originating from England. It is the dominant language in the United Kingdom, United States, many Commonwealth nations including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and other former British colonies [6]. Due to its extensive use as an official language, English has now become the most important language around the world. Many people from non-English speaking countries tries their very best to learn this language as the written and spoken knowledge of English is considered as an additional advantage for them to improve in their professional and academic lives.

Is a language that has originated from one of the branches of the Indo-Aryan group of languages. However, due to its exposure to other language families of the region it has some unique features that are not found in other Indo-Aryan languages . The sound system of Sinhala consists of 14 vowels and 26 consonants . In literary Sinhala which is written from left to right, the subject has to agree with the tense, gender and form (singular and plural) of the verb. Unlike English any written Sinhalese word is pronounced the same way it is written.

How To Speak Test Score From TOEFL Score

How To Speak Test Score From TOEFL Score

Teaching assistant ships provide funding to graduate students and support to teaching faculty. At many universitiesin the United States,students whose first language is not English can only teach if they passan oral English assessment or complete English courses.Graduate programs face a risk that aprospective international teaching assistant(ITA)may fail the English test, potentially causing financial and logistical consequences.

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new students enrolled in graduate programs in the United States in fall 2013[1],and these programstry to attract talented students with financial offers in exchange for research, teaching, or other duties.In 2013, almost 120,000 students were funded as graduate teaching assistants (GTA) [2]. During admissions, the graduate programs search for qualified students to fill available GTA positions, usually offering them a stipend and access to in-state tuition

How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses

How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses

A user can scan through a text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content, because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen. As a result, accessing large collections of spoken con-tent is much more difficult and time-consuming than doing so for the text content. It would therefore be helpful to develop machines that understand spoken content. In this paper, we propose two new tasks for machine comprehension of spoken content. The first is a listening comprehension test for IELTS , a challenging academic English examination for English learners who are not the native English speakers. How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses

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with the popularity of shared videos, social networks, on-line courses, and the like, the quantity of multimedia or spoken content is growing much faster than what human being scan view or listen to. A user can scan through text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen.

How to PTE Sub-Scores to Predict SPEAK Test

How to PTE Sub-Scores to Predict SPEAK Test

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (PTE), produced by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), has been in use in institutions of higher American education since the 1960s as a means of measuring incoming international students’ English proficiency. But like any test, the TOEFL is imperfect. For instance, whereas a high TOEFL score may be sufficient to admit an international student to an American graduate school, many colleges and universities require more rigorous proof of a student’s English proficiency—often in the form of a passing score on a school-specific oral assessment—if he seeks employment as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA).

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To mitigate this risk, forecasting models which use the TOEFL sub-scores of Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading to forecast SPEAK test outcome are applied. A student’s sub-scores act as predictive inputs to each model, which outputs the posterior probability of his SPEAK test failure. Bayes Theorem provides the structure required to obtain this probability, and the multivariate meta-Gaussian distribution captures the stochastic dependence between the sub-scores.