How IELTS and PTE Writing exam is assessed

How IELTS and PTE Writing exam is assessed

The assessment criteria documents will help you and your learners understand the IELTS band scores, and give clear indications on English proficiency.

  • Use the assessment criteria guidelines to:
  • help you mark a learner’s written answers to questions
  • help your learners improve their spoken English
  • understand the key differences between band scores
  • review and understand the criteria for specific band scores
  • challenge more proficient learners to improve their writing and speaking to achieve higher band scores
  • help learners of varying levels of proficiency improve and prepare within the same class. 
Concentrated young people reading information from laptop. Cheerful students working with laptop at library. Education concept

Examiners use detailed performance descriptors when marking IELTS and review a test taker’s ability in:

  • task achievement
  • coherence and cohesion
  • lexical resource
  • grammatical range and accuracy. 

Each question in the Listening and Reading sections is worth one mark. The Speaking test has three sections and the Writing task has two sections. Each section is marked according to the above criteria.

The CEFR is an international standard for describing language ability. It marks an individual’s language skills along a six-mark scale ranging from A1 (beginners) to C2 (advanced).

IELTS scores range from 0 – 9. IELTS teachers can map scores against the Common European Framework to help gauge a student’s language ability.

The scale helps IELTS teachers, examiners and students to compare language skills and scores from tests and qualifications.

Guide to Teaching Abroad English Language

Guide to Teaching Abroad English Language

Want to fulfill your dream of living overseas and have an income at the same time? Obsessed with the idea of staying in a destination longer than a two-week vacation but your tourist visa stops you in your tracks?

Consider teaching abroad!

  • Countries around the world welcome travelers to explore beautiful destinations while making money teaching English.
  • Teaching abroad is the perfect way to get to know new cities and villages, contribute to the community like a local, and get paid while doing it.

You may have heard of people volunteering their time to teach English for free, but there are also travelers who do this for a career. Real people around the world have taken their love for travel to the next level by teaching English as a second language.

You can make up to teaching abroad and some opportunities don’t even require a college degree. While experience and education sets you apart from the rest, you can have a lucrative salary without sacrificing your travel dreams. If you don’t know where to start, Go Overseas has your back.

Take one of the sample tests available on our website and mark your answers for Listening and Reading using the answer key. If you have access to an English teacher or a friend with native-standard English, ask for feedback on your Writing and Speaking.

Study in English Learn,speak,write Sweden English

Study in English Learn,speak,write Sweden English

Just because you can get by solely on English in Sweden, does that mean you should? While learning Swedish may not be as ‘useful’ to many students as a widely-spoken language like Spanish or French, or even as necessary for daily life as Japanese or Italian, that doesn’t mean international students in Sweden shouldn’t make an effort.

If you’re seeking to understand your host country on more than just a superficial level, learning some Swedish will definitely help. OK, you can fall back on watching English-language TV, but what can you learn by watching locally-made dramas? You may find Swedish people to be stereotypically reserved until you practice your Swedish on them.

What’s more, if you have an interest in certain subject areas–such as Northern European/Germanic languages, history and art history, literature or translation studies, or international business–then studying Swedish may end up being pretty useful. One of the joys of studying abroad is learning new and different things from what’s possible at home, so make the most of the opportunity and try something new.

Swedish universities often offer introductory Swedish courses to international students, either as regular classes or as evening courses.

Studying in Sweden in English is not just possible, but very easy. Students wanting to study in Europe but without the language skills or confidence to dive into studying in a second language should seriously consider Sweden. There are opportunities here to study at some of the best universities in the world and extend yourself while enjoying the benefits of studying in your own language in a foreign setting.

Study Abroad and working job in Sweden

Study Abroad and working job in Sweden

weden is known to be one of the more expensive destinations in Europe to travel in, and while many expenses are quite high, this doesn’t necessarily mean the costs of studying is very high.

Some foreign students can even study in Sweden without paying tuition fees. For example, if you have a Swedish temporary residence permit, are a European Union, European Economic Area or Swiss citizen, have family that is a EU or EEA citizen with right of residence in Sweden, or plan to pursue a PhD in Sweden, you also won’t have to pay fees.

There are also opportunities for scholarships from Swedish universities and the government-run Swedish Institute, so check out individual universities to see what may be available for international students. For example, Lund University offers a competitive scholarship for direct enrolment students that covers 25-100% of program fees. Uppsala University also offers scholarships for international students, with more money generally reserved for Master’s students.

If you’re not eligible for free tuition and are unable to get a scholarship, if you’re from the US you may still find paying full tuition fees at Swedish institutions to be cheaper than paying for college at home, or at least comparable. Although fees vary depending on the course and the institution, per year as a direct enrolment, fee-paying international student.

Cambridge English Teaching, learning and assessment

Cambridge English Teaching, learning and assessment

  • Have a basic understanding of some key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
  • Have started to demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan basic systems and skills lessons according to a simple given template, with basic awareness of learners’ needs and difficulties and sometimes demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities.
  • Have started to see some clear links between their planning and teaching choices and subsequent student learning.
  • Have started to demonstrate the ability to teach simple systems and skills lessons using a basic repertoire of teaching techniques and with reasonable classroom management.
  • Are aware of many key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
  • Demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan reasonably detailed systems and skills lessons according to a given template, with some awareness of learners’ needs and difficulties, often demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities, and deliver these with some adaptation.
  • Are able to respond to some unforeseen classroom events.
  • Demonstrate the ability to teach systems and skills lessons using a wider repertoire of teaching techniques and with reasonably effective classroom management, as well as the ability to choose appropriate materials, including web-based materials, with some improvisation.
  • Have a good understanding of many key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
  • Demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan detailed systems, skills and integrated lessons according to their own template, with good awareness of learners’ needs and difficulties, regularly demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities, and deliver these with conscious adaptation.
  • Are able to respond appropriately to most unforeseen classroom events, and can see clear links between their planning and teaching choices and subsequent student learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to teach systems, skills and integrated lessons effectively using a wide range of teaching techniques and with effective classroom management.
  • Have a sophisticated understanding of key principles of teaching and learning (lesson planning, materials selection, classroom management, the learning environment, teaching systems and skills).
  • Demonstrate the ability to use this understanding to plan detailed and sophisticated systems, skills and integrated lessons (often unconsciously), with a clear rationale and detailed understanding of learners’ needs and difficulties, consistently demonstrating a balance between teacher-centred and learner-centred activities, and deliver these with principled adaptation.
  • Are able to respond appropriately, confidently and automatically to almost all unforeseen classroom events and have developed a sophisticated understanding of the link between their planning and teaching choices and subsequent student learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to teach consistently effective systems, skills and integrated lessons using a sophisticated range of teaching techniques and with consistently effective classroom management.

conducting and evaluating of cambridge english training activities

conducting and evaluating of cambridge english training activities

his category details what should be seen in training activities conducted at each of the stages. It is broken down into three sub-categories: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating

  • Planning describes how training activities should be visible to trainees and evaluators in clearly articulated aims, activity structures and development paths. 
  • Conducting describes a number of indicators of good practice in training activities at the different stages.
  • Evaluating looks at whether the training is having, or has had, any impact on the trainees. 
Four college students in a classroom surfing the net on digital tablet.

Activities are not restricted to workshops, sessions and courses. They could include demonstrations, conferences, assisted planning, sharing sessions and teacher development workshops.

Plans according to materials provided for training activities.

Articulates aims clearly.

Achieves aims of activities in the time allotted (with occasional over-running or under-running).

Appropriately adapts materials provided for training activities. Produces own activities for specific purposes.

Clearly articulates training aims in relation to trainee needs.Achieves aims of activities in the time allotted.Selects content relevant to the stated aims.Includes different input types and ways of organising learning activities.Demonstrates awareness of sequencing to achieve main aims.Anticipates problems related to content and process and adapts materials appropriately.


The Best Strategy To Score Higher in OET Writing

The Best Strategy To Score Higher in OET Writing

The OET writing sub-test may seem like a difficult task. But, it is really not. For those who can write well with proper grammar, it can be simple.

But, do you know sometimes, even the best of the candidates with good command over English fail to perform well in the OET writing sub-test? Yes, it is the truth. The reason is they do not focus more on guidelines.The Best Strategy To Score Higher in OET Writing

You are required to write not more than 180-200 words. But, to be very honest, it is not necessary that you should strictly adhered to it. You can write even more than the given word-length as well. But, never decrease the word count.

In the pursuit of achieving the required word-length, most of the candidates try to focus on explaining things more elaborately.

  • She is allergic to peanuts.
  • The patient has said that she is extremely allergic to peanuts.

The first sentence is short and explanatory and it is acceptable. But, the second sentence that also conveys the same thing is long and over explanatory. This has been written solely with the purpose to increase the word count. That is not recommended.

  • Infection spread. So, leg was amputated.
  • Infection was growing very rapidly that we had no chance but to amputate the leg of the patient.

Again, the first sentence is good but the second sentence is lengthy and it is written only to increase the word length of the letter.

Remember, you are expected to write precisely. You will have to stick to what you are asked to. You can’t talk about anything rather than what is needed. Try to explain the medical condition of the patient in a few words. Use the given notes in the proper way. You can rewrite or revamp a few of the sentences. But, do not use sentences as they are given.

how to pass the TOEFL Writing test ideas

how to pass the TOEFL Writing test ideas

TOEFL stands for the Test of English as a Foreign Language.

And it is a standardized test use to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers who wish to enroll in English-speaking universities.

TOEFL is accepted by many English-speaking academic and professional institutions.It is one of the two major English-language tests in the world, the other being the IELTS.

TOEFL test measures your ability to use and understand English at the highest level.It evaluates how well you can combine your reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills to perform academic tasks.

The TOEFL test is taken by more than 35 million people from all over the world.The average English skill level varies from student to to pass the TOEFL Writing test ideas

There are:

  • Students planning to study at a higher education institution
  • English language learning program admissions and exit
  • Scholarship and certification candidates
  • English language learners who want to track their progress
  • Students and workers applying for visas

If you are planning to take toefl, then you must know that the test is held in two formats.

1. TOEFL iBT and
The TOEFL Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) is the online version of the TOEFL test and It is the more preferred medium of TOEFL due to its ease of convenience and uses fewer resources.

The TOEFL Paper Based Test (TOEFL PBT) is the more orthodox method, wherein paper and pen are extensively used for the purpose of the exam.

Not a big hit among students, the paper-based model of the TOEFL exam is conducted in areas that do not have access to the Internet.

You must know that in this format of the TOEFL exam, the TOEFL Speaking Test is not conducted due to the limited availability of resources.

Practice for each section of the test with free sets of TOEFL iBT® questions from previous tests. You can become familiar with the types of questions and content on the actual test and understand how the TOEFL iBT test is structured and formatted. Our TOEFL Practice Test is not an exact recreation of the TOEFL Test as it will be administered on test day, but it does offer some extensive training with the types of questions and materials you will encounter on the test, be it the PBT or iBT. We’ve broken it up into five overall sections consisting of three individual Listening portions (53 questions altogether), one Reading section (28 questions) and one Structure section (30 questions). This Practice TOEFL will help you feel more confident with the types of questions that you will encounter; but we also want to encourage you to take as many TOEFL Practice Test opportunities as you can and even consider enrolling in a test preparation course if you can afford to do so. You want to be comfortable on test day, not just with the questions and types of materials, but also the testing environment itself. Additionally, you may want to follow this list of DOs and DON’Ts when it comes to preparing.