How To Speak Test Score From TOEFL Score

How To Speak Test Score From TOEFL Score

Teaching assistant ships provide funding to graduate students and support to teaching faculty. At many universitiesin the United States,students whose first language is not English can only teach if they passan oral English assessment or complete English courses.Graduate programs face a risk that aprospective international teaching assistant(ITA)may fail the English test, potentially causing financial and logistical consequences.

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new students enrolled in graduate programs in the United States in fall 2013[1],and these programstry to attract talented students with financial offers in exchange for research, teaching, or other duties.In 2013, almost 120,000 students were funded as graduate teaching assistants (GTA) [2]. During admissions, the graduate programs search for qualified students to fill available GTA positions, usually offering them a stipend and access to in-state tuition

How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses

How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses

A user can scan through a text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content, because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen. As a result, accessing large collections of spoken con-tent is much more difficult and time-consuming than doing so for the text content. It would therefore be helpful to develop machines that understand spoken content. In this paper, we propose two new tasks for machine comprehension of spoken content. The first is a listening comprehension test for IELTS , a challenging academic English examination for English learners who are not the native English speakers. How to Learners Perspectives on IELTS Preparation Courses

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with the popularity of shared videos, social networks, on-line courses, and the like, the quantity of multimedia or spoken content is growing much faster than what human being scan view or listen to. A user can scan through text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen.

How to PTE Sub-Scores to Predict SPEAK Test

How to PTE Sub-Scores to Predict SPEAK Test

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (PTE), produced by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), has been in use in institutions of higher American education since the 1960s as a means of measuring incoming international students’ English proficiency. But like any test, the TOEFL is imperfect. For instance, whereas a high TOEFL score may be sufficient to admit an international student to an American graduate school, many colleges and universities require more rigorous proof of a student’s English proficiency—often in the form of a passing score on a school-specific oral assessment—if he seeks employment as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA).

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To mitigate this risk, forecasting models which use the TOEFL sub-scores of Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading to forecast SPEAK test outcome are applied. A student’s sub-scores act as predictive inputs to each model, which outputs the posterior probability of his SPEAK test failure. Bayes Theorem provides the structure required to obtain this probability, and the multivariate meta-Gaussian distribution captures the stochastic dependence between the sub-scores.

suitable ECS English test for the Graduate students

suitable ECS English test for the Graduate students

To correspond to drastic change in international society such as “globalization”, graduate education plays a key role in development of human resources. The new trans-graduate-school education program called “Nitobe School” was launched in 2015 as one of the main education projects of “Top Global University Project” in Hokkaido University. This is a trial case report of the comparison of commercial English test for the Graduate School students. suitable ECS English test for the Graduate students

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Also the requirement of English ability is very important at the graduate school, especially science and technology related discipline area. Because the students need to read papers and books written in English, to make presentation and discussion in English at the international conference, and to write reviewed journal paper in English for the publications.

How to Test of English Competence Advanced ECS Learners

How to Test of English Competence Advanced ECS Learners

It is evident that English has become an essential part of everyone’s life. In higher education, especially graduate studies, English inevitably plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of the students. In order to screen applicants for graduate studies, it is important to devise a standardized test which is reliable, valid, and practical. Conventionally, most English proficiency tests in Thailand will have three subtests in common. These subtests include: Error identification, Multiple-choice cloze, and Reading comprehension. How to Test of English Competence Advanced ECS Learners

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The criterion-related validity was established by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between the CB TEC and the TOEFL ITP scores. The results revealed that the overall correlation with TOEFL CB TEC Form A and CB TEC Form B were able to predict general proficiency of the test taker to a certain extent, based on TOEFL ITP as a criterion measure.

IELTS Listening – Diagram type questions

IELTS Listening – Diagram type questions

Usually candidates either get a map or diagram type of questions in section two of the IELTS listening test but luckily since it will have one speaker who guides through the diagram, they can easily follow and find the answers. Initially, the candidates should make use of the time gap given before the start of listening transcript, during which they should check the answers which are needed in the diagrams and check the parts to which they are about to be labelled. Candidates must also read the parts in the question, for which it has been already labelled; they should be well versed with it so that during the audio, they can easily mark the location. By following these two steps, they can easily understand the diagram.
The image may be of a device or a flow diagram, in which few parts will be labelled for guidance and remaining parts will be left blank. Candidates should practice these types of sessions by hearing more documentaries regarding the labelling of any equipment or any process such as conversion of solar energy. Finally, we should also check for any spelling errors and since small font might hinder in representing the correct spelling to the examiner, capital font can be writing throughout the listening. At prestige institute, IELTS coaching classes are conducted on regular basis for the above strategies, so that the candidate can score band 9 in these types of questions. Candidates can also practice with the hundreds of mock tests which the institute will provide during IELTS coaching classes.


IELTS group study

IELTS group study

It is important for a candidate to have a team for preparing IELTS instead of having individual class sessions with the IELTS tutor as if they are in a group, there are greater advantages for them to score high marks in the IELTS exam. Firstly, during the brain storming sessions, it will be very helpful for all the students if they are in a group as each of them will deliver a valid point and it will be useful for others to note it down and develop one. This is same during the vocabulary sessions too as the candidates can develop and enrich their English knowledge by hearing what others knew already during the vocabulary games held at this institute, thereby increasing their word power. Candidates during group activities, work as a team and also guide other candidates if they find any difficulty.
There will be group discussion sessions where the candidates can practice speaking English with their fellow mates and improve their oral fluency and pronunciation as well. They discuss about the part two in speaking on how to make use of the one minute time wisely as they need to speak for two minutes. Most of the candidates who scored above band 7 as mentioned that forming a study group for IELTS made them score so and those who has one to one session with the tutor faced difficulties in scoring high band score in their first attempt. At Prestige institute, it is highly recommended to have group classes as many session for course are planned so.


IELTS General writing task one

IELTS General writing task one

IELTS General writing task one is for the candidate who seek occupation at western countries, permanent residency and for those who try for securing a job offer as the country demands so for them. Task one is for twenty minutes and the words should be a minimum of 150, the candidates are advised to write a minimum of 160 words though. Here the candidate will be given a letter topic followed by three related issues. The letter tone should be analysed with respect to the topic and receiver whether is a formal letter or semi – formal letter or informal letter. Each issue should be written with a separate paragraph.

At Prestige institute, we will provide many tips and tricks to achieve a band of 9 in this module with various practice tests and feedback. We strongly advice the students to avoid starting the report directly, instead can do the brainstorming part for five minutes at the least and then write the essay for fifteen minutes. Letter question will be as follows: A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter give contact details for when you are away give instructions about how to care for your pet describe other household duties Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear …,. Expressing our opinion in this task plays a major role which should be done in a polite manner at the end of the letter before thanking them.


IELTS General Reading

IELTS General Reading

IELTS General Reading is for the candidates who seek occupation at western countries, permanent residency and for those who try for securing a job offer as the country demands so for them. This general reading is for 60 minutes and out of which there will be three sections. Unlike listening test, extra time of ten minutes will not be provided for transferring your answers to the answer booklet from the questions, therefore it is recommended that to either write the answer in your answer sheet directly or allocate ten minutes of time for it in the end. It is advised to answer all the questions as there is no negative marking in it for every wrong answer like other competitive exams. And also to avoid confusing the sequence, it is advised not to leave any blanks in the answer sheet.

Questions will be of true – false – not given, yes – no – not given, fill in the blanks, summary, flow chart and match the headings. The transcripts provided to the candidate will be from a general area of interest such as about occupation, and policies about a company and issues related to any work in western countries. Each passage may contain around nine hundred words and the overall reading test will therefore have around 2700 words approximately. So a candidate should skim and not read those words within an hour to score more than band 8. At Prestige institute, we have more than sixty practices for general reading which are given to each candidate.


IELTS examiners

IELTS examiners

Candidates mostly think of whether the assessments of the writing and speaking transcripts are carried out in a genuine manner as some score a less band even after continuous hard works and some score more after less effort which leads to a thinking on the authenticity of the examiners` skill. Becoming an IELTS examiner is a very difficult process and involves various skills being assessed and even the eligibility criteria is set for a degree holder and with teaching experience. Therefore only the eligible candidates could apply for the IELTS examiner post of any vacancy is being created and many English language certificates would be an added advantage of the applicant towards the IELTS examiner posts. Else they will be rejected during the short listing of the candidates during the application selection process and no invitation will be sent for the next step.
Second process involves assessment of the applicant by an experience IELTS examiner for their speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. Here the candidates will be assessed for their grammar, fluency, oral pronunciation and other various factors that are mandatory for being an IELTS examiner. Furthermore, the writing and speaking transcripts and answers of reading and listening module will be assessed by two various examiners and so the answers and report card will be a genuine one with no errors. Even the recorded voice of the candidate during the speaking module will be assessed randomly for checking the integrity of the examiners. To know more, drop in at the Prestige institute.
