Grammar usage and Vocabulary range uses in essay writing

Grammar usage and Vocabulary range uses in essay writing

General linguistic range: Does your response use language that precisely conveys your ideas?

General linguistic range is scored by determining if the language in your response accurately communicates your ideas. This includes your ability to provide clear descriptions, change emphasis, eliminate ambiguity, express subtleties in meaning, and use stylistic features to communicate meaning. You are more likely to receive full credit if you use complex sentence structures and vocabulary correctly, rather than consistently using simple sentence structures and vocabulary. This is because complex ideas are often expressed with complex sentence structures and vocabulary. The best responses use language that highlights key ideas, creatively expresses opinions and ensures clear communication.

Grammar usage and mechanics: Does your response demonstrate correct grammatical usage and consistent control of standard written English?

Grammar usage and mechanics are scored by examining sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization. The best responses contain high proportions of grammatically correct complex sentences that clearly communicate the intended meaning.

Vocabulary range: Does your response demonstrate command of a broad vocabulary range?

Vocabulary range is scored according to the variety of words in your response and their appropriateness in an academic environment. Synonyms, idiomatic expressions and academic terms are also assessed if appropriate. The best responses use precise academic terms and avoid repetition by using synonyms and idioms where appropriate.

Spelling: Does your response demonstrate correct and consistent use of a single spelling convention?

PTE Academic recognizes English spelling conventions from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. However, one spelling convention should be used consistently in a given response.

How to scored essay writing in IELTS coaching

How to scored essay writing in IELTS coaching

All test takers should prepare for PTE Academic, even if English is your first language.

Test takers who consider themselves to be fluent in English sometimes score less well in English tests than they could have, because lack of preparation affects their performance on the day.

our response on Write Essay is judged on our ability to write a persuasive or argumentative essay on a given topic. Your score is based on seven factors

Content is scored by determining if all aspects of the topic have been addressed in your response. The appropriateness of the details, examples and explanations used to support your point of view is also scored. If your essay does not address the topic, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the seven factors. Your essay will be scored zero. The best responses are on topic, contain logical and specific information and answer any questions asked. They also support any arguments with details, examples and/or explanations.

Development, structure and coherence: Does your response demonstrate good development of ideas and a logical structure?

Development, structure and coherence are scored according to the organization of your response. A well-developed response uses a logical organizational pattern, connects ideas and explains these connections. The best responses contain multiple paragraphs and have a clear introduction, body and conclusion that relate to the topic of the essay. Within paragraphs, ideas are clearly presented and supported with details, examples and/or explanations. Transitions between paragraphs are smooth.

Form: Does your response meet the length requirement of between 200 and 300 words?

Form is scored by counting the number of words in your response. You will receive full credit if your essay is between 200 and 300 words. Writing less than 200 words or more than 300 words will decrease your score. If your essay contains less than 120 words or more than 380 words, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the seven factors. Your essay will be scored zero.

How to write numbers in Listening test IELTS

How to write numbers in Listening test IELTS

In all part of the IELTS test, you will encounter numbers in different forms. There are different strategies to use when dealing with numbers. Today we will break down the variety of numbers you might see in each part of your IELTS test and how to structure them.

Numbers in the Listening test

In IELTS Listening, you are tested on your ability to listen for and write the numbers you hear in the recordings. You are most likely to encounter numbers in the first part of the Listening test, but they can appear in any of the 40 questions.  

You might hear numbers in the following forms 

  • Age 
  • Currency 
  • Measurement 
  • Dates 
  • Times 
  • Telephone numbers 
  • Credit card numbers
Numbers in the Writing test

You might need to use numbers when presenting data in Academic Writing Task 1. You can either write the number in word form or as presented in the visual diagram. For example: 

  • 10,000 OR ten thousand 
  • 25% OR twenty-five percent 
  • 75% OR ¾ 

Along with writing exact numbers, it is also beneficial to write approximations when the exact numbers are not presented. For example: 

  • Just above 65% 
  • Under 70%  
  • Over half  
  • Almost 25% 

Numbers can be presented in tens, hundreds, thousands, millions and billions. It is important to note which number is being referred to in the Y-axis of the diagram.  

When referring to a general number, you can write ‘millions’, however, when it’s a specific number, you have to write ‘million’. For example: 

  • Millions of dollars were spent on transportation. 
  • Australia spent 20 million dollars.

Learn the physiology of spoken English

Learn the physiology of spoken English

Visualisation is a great way to learn things. Some of the world’s top university students and the world’s best Olympic athletes say that it really helps them succeed.  

But what is visualisation? Visualisation is using your imagination to see yourself completing an action. For example, before a game, a soccer player will close her eyes and imagine scoring a goal. In their imagination, they see themselves playing well and putting the ball in the net. 

So how can this be applied to pronunciation? How can you visualise speaking? Well, need to use specific muscles to speak a language. Every time you make a sound, you are using specific muscular actions.  

Concentrated young people reading information from laptop. Cheerful students working with laptop at library. Education concept

To apply this to speaking, you will need a diagram, or an animation that shows which muscle makes which sound. For instance, to make the ‘s’ sound, the muscle diagram will show your tongue behind your upper teeth while air flows out between your teeth.  

There are many pronunciation apps that show how sounds are made, and they encourage you to see and say the sound at the same time. 

You can search for pronunciation; speech diagram; ESL articulation; English pronunciation muscles, mouth muscles and similar terms in your engine.

If you put these five pronunciation tips into action, they can help you improve your pronunciation and speak more clearly in your IELTS Speaking test. And improving your pronunciation will get you one step closer to the band score you need to achieve your work, study or migration goals.

Repeat, again word pronunciation for perfection

Repeat, again word pronunciation for perfection

Pronunciation can be difficult as it relies on multiple factors, including word stress, sentence stress, short vowels, long vowels, and many more factors. Learning accurate and clear English pronunciation requires a lot of practice but is key to the Speaking test. You will see in the public band descriptors that 25% of your Speaking test score is based on pronunciation.  

Considering this, we will look at five things you can do to practice and improve your pronunciation in time for your Speaking test.  

If you work out at a gym, you will know that repeating the same exercises again and again can makes your muscles more coordinated and improves their strength. The same thing can be said of practicing English. The more you speak, the stronger and more coordinated your spoken English will be.  

You may think this is repetitive and boring but adding some repetition drills to your study plan can really help you improve your pronunciation.  

Find a pronunciation app where you can practice sounds in a fun way and a quiet room to practice in so you repeat, repeat, repeat as loudly as you want. You can call it your “pronunciation workout”.

vocabulary structures used for formal,informal letter writing task in IELTS training

vocabulary structures used for formal,informal letter writing task in IELTS training

Let’s move on to the next feature in your letter that the examiner is looking for, the tone of your letter. The tone refers to the way in which you write the letter, formal or informal style. The instructions in the question will give you a clue. 

A formal letter contains: 

  • Longer sentences that use passive language (be + past participle) 
  • Modals (e.g. The broken light needs to be fixed to ensure that the customers who use this facility have adequate visibility of their surroundings.)  

An informal letter is: 

  • Conversational 
  • Can include contractions (e.g. can’t) and more direct speech (e.g. Can you fix the light in the kitchen, so I don’t have an accident?) 
Formal vocabulary and structures Informal vocabulary and structures
Request Ask
Could Can
At your earliest convenience When you are free
RespondWrite back/ reply
Yours sincerely/ faithfully Best wishes/ love
FuthermoreAnd/ also
Can I suggest Can I tell you
As you described above As I mentioned before

And finally, remember that the greeting and the closing salutation of an IELTS General Training, Writing Task 1 letter needs to match the style. For example: 

Dear Sir/Madam ———————–> Yours faithfully 

Dear John ———————–> Best wishes

Common IELTS General Training, letter Writing Task

Common IELTS General Training, letter Writing Task

If we take a closer look at Task Achievement in the IELTS assessment criteria, you can see the examiner checks to see if your letter contains the following features:  

  • Purpose of the letter is presented 
  • Tone of the letter is appropriate 
  • Bullet points are presented, highlighted and extended 
  • Format is appropriate – letter format 

That’s a quick overview, but let’s take a closer look at what each of these dot points mean, and how you need to write your letter in IELTS Writing Task 1.

Four college students in a classroom surfing the net on digital tablet.
Formal Informal
Letter of complaint (e.g. personal, business, recent, experience, product) Letter of invitation (e.g. party, dinner, celebration)
Letter of request (e.g. refund, repair, advice, reservation) Letter of request (e.g. asking questions, asking for advice, asking for help)
Letter of enquiry (e.g. information request, booking) Letter of thanks or appreciation
Letter of recommendation (e.g. job, colleague) Letter of suggestion (e.g. suggesting ideas, plans, solutions)
Letter of suggestion (e.g. suggesting ideas, plans, solutions)

IELTS General Training, for formal letter Writing task

IELTS General Training, for formal letter Writing task

Learn about the positive features IELTS examiners look for in your General Training Writing Task 1 response. Take a closer look at Task Achievement in the IELTS assessment criteria and learn how to score a higher band score.

If we take a closer look at Task Achievement in the IELTS assessment criteria, you can see the examiner checks to see if your letter contains the following features:  

  • Purpose of the letter is presented 
  • Tone of the letter is appropriate 
  • Bullet points are presented, highlighted and extended 
  • Format is appropriate – letter format 

That’s a quick overview, but let’s take a closer look at what each of these dot points mean, and how you need to write your letter in IELTS Writing Task 1.

Concentrated young people reading information from laptop. Cheerful students working with laptop at library. Education concept
State the purpose

Start your letter by clearly stating why you are writing, the purpose. The reason for writing your letter needs to be clearly presented in the opening paragraph. Make sure the purpose of the letter is in direct response to the situation outlined in the question.  

Example opening paragraphs with a clear purpose presented: 

Formal letter Informal letter
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with a product I have purchased recently and to request a full refund.
Dear John,
I was so pleased to hear that you are planning on visiting my country, so I’m writing to give you some travel tips and advice before you book your trip.

IELTS General Training Tests

IELTS General Training Tests

Practise a full IELTS General Training test online. Complete the computer-based test now or at your own time to receive an IELTS Progress Check Report. Every IELTS Progress Check Report comes with an official feedback report, including an overall indicative band score and an indicative band score for each section of the test (Reading, Listening, Writing & Speaking). This will help you improve your preparation for your real test.

Each IELTS General Training test listed below represents a single unique General Training test. Purchasing two or more of the same test (e.g. IELTS General Training Practice Test 1) means you will get to practise the same test twice. If you want to practise two different tests, then choose two different tests (e.g. IELTS General Training Practice Test 1 & Practice Test 2).

You will receive 90 days of access for each IELTS practice test you purchase.


The Listening component consists of 40 questions. You will listen to four recorded texts, such as monologues and conversations, by a range of native-speakers and write your answers to a series of questions. These include questions that test your ability to understand main ideas and detailed factual information, ability to understand the opinions and attitudes of speakers, ability to understand the purpose of an utterance and the ability to follow the development of ideas. A variety of voices and native-speaker accents are used and each part is heard only once.

Part 1
A conversation between two people set in an everyday social context.

Part 2
A monologue set in an everyday social context, e.g. a speech about local facilities.

Part 3
A conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context, e.g. a university tutor and a student discussing an assignment.

Part 4
A monologue on an academic subject, e.g. a university lecture.

Word counts and check spelling in TEFL training

Word counts and check spelling in TEFL training

Word counts

The Listening test instructions will tell you how many words are in the answer. For example, no more than ONE word, no more than TWO words and/or a number.

Read the word-count instructions very carefully to avoid adding in extra words and remember: 

  • If the instruction says ONE word and you write ‘the bus’, the answer will be marked as incorrect, even though ‘bus’ is the correct word.  
  • If you write a number in words and not numerals, that is acceptable. For example, ‘three hundred and twenty’ is ‘320’ and counts as ‘a number’.  

Correct spelling is essential in the Listening test.  If the spelling is incorrect, then it will be marked as wrong. Make sure you can spell commonly used words correctly, like library, environment, street, avenue, professor, and so on.  

If you are planning to take the paper-based test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers from the question booklet to the answer sheet. Remember to check the spelling, listen carefully to the instructions, and make sure you put the right answers in the right place.  

As with all tests, the key to success is to be prepared and to practice. With practice and preparation, you can put yourself in the best possible position to succeed.