ECS IELTS high-quality international English qualifications are designed to develop practical English language communication skills for career and study success.
ECS IELTS Framework is designed to help students internationally to prove their language skills for a special purpose. The employers,universities and other organisations can also be assured that the holder of the certificate meets the international requirements for each level.
ECS IELTS Level 1 Basic
Learners is able to understand and speak a few things in English such as expressions of greeting, numbers, shopping and travelling. Is not able to hold conversation and usually fails to speak face to face.
ECS IELTS Level 2 Elementary
Learner is able to understand language used in daily conversation and use present tenses. Simple conversation on familiar topics is done with some difficulty and can talk about likes/dislikes, order a meal in a restaurant, asking for jobs, family and routines, can understand and write basic text.
ECS IELTS Level 3 Pre-Intermediate
Learners have limited to basic knowledge of the English language. Learner can also make simple sentences and can understand the main points of a conversation but need much more vocabulary. Can write & understand simple written text and understand a wider range of grammar.
ECS IELTS Level 4 Intermediate
Learner can speak and understand reasonably well and can use basic tenses but have problems with more complex grammar and vocabulary. Can take part in routine conversations; write & understand simple written text; make notes & understand most of the general meaning of lectures, meetings, TV programmes, talk about the art and technology, and extract basic information from a written document.
ECS IELTS Level 5 Upper-Intermediate
Learner speaks and understands well but still make mistakes and fail to make himself/herself understood occasionally. Can take part in extended conversations; write & understand most text, including a simple essay; understand most of a TV programme, presentation or lecture, but not technical or theoretical information. Can also evaluate ideas and is able to think critically.
ECS IELTS Level 6 Advanced
Learner speaks and understands very well but sometimes have problems with unfamiliar situations and vocabulary. Learner can convey his/her desired meaning in conversations & discussions; summarize texts, write and understand most text including formal, academic and professional documents ; easily understand materials on TV and radio, films, and presentations.
ECS IELTS Level 7 Fluent
Learner speaks and understands English completely fluently.
Upon completion of our English Courses for General Purposes in one of our accredited language centres, student will receive a certificate indicating the level of the proficiency from Westminster College London.