IELTS General Reading
IELTS General Reading is for the candidates who seek occupation at western countries, permanent residency and for those who try for securing a job offer as the country demands so for them. This general reading is for 60 minutes and out of which there will be three sections. Unlike listening test, extra time of ten minutes will not be provided for transferring your answers to the answer booklet from the questions, therefore it is recommended that to either write the answer in your answer sheet directly or allocate ten minutes of time for it in the end. It is advised to answer all the questions as there is no negative marking in it for every wrong answer like other competitive exams. And also to avoid confusing the sequence, it is advised not to leave any blanks in the answer sheet.
Questions will be of true – false – not given, yes – no – not given, fill in the blanks, summary, flow chart and match the headings. The transcripts provided to the candidate will be from a general area of interest such as about occupation, and policies about a company and issues related to any work in western countries. Each passage may contain around nine hundred words and the overall reading test will therefore have around 2700 words approximately. So a candidate should skim and not read those words within an hour to score more than band 8. At Prestige institute, we have more than sixty practices for general reading which are given to each candidate.